Monday, December 20, 2010

God Rest Ye Merry, Y'all

Aren't holiday seasons a marvelous time for unrealistic expectations and momentarily devastating disappointments? Having decided to skip all the hoo-ha of the Gimme & Party period by scheduling surgery, I am able to look at Christmas this year with the benign eye of a non-participant. No decorating to speak of (unless you count the very cool wreath from the Biltmore Estate); no crazy round of shopping (just send check in tasteful card); no party giving; no party going (too much trouble to hobble, etc.). It's been good. And, as my brother pointed out, "Hey, it's not my birthday, you know."

Instead I'm readying myself for a hospital stay and then home. In trying to make sure that every last detail has been attended to before reporting at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, I think I have made most of the people who have to work with me a little bit crazy. I try to remember that my job was there before I came and it will be there after I leave. But sometimes the temptation to micromanage everything is really hard to resist. However, since, like rust, crime never sleeps, I'm sure there will be some lunacy going on before I return that the troops will have to figure out by themselves. And I am equally sure that they will do just fine.

 Therefore, Gaudete, Christus es natus ex Maria virgine!

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