Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I begin ...

I start this project in the middle of a whole new experience. A surgery upon my bones (the result, no doubt, of extreme old age) has left me requiring crutches to get around for the immediate future. I have been hobbling about, more or less successfully, for about a month now and I anticipate another few weeks before the surgeon flourishes his pen across the paper and, Jesus-like, says, "Rise up and walk." Won't that be grand! I am desperately tired of the crutches informing everything I do. I long to waddle off to any adventure I choose, independent and requiring no assistance. All in good time.

 Meanwhile, autumn is coming to East Tennessee and I am reminded of the great beauty of the land and the people here. The birch trees by the drive are engaged in their annual striptease routine and I am reminded that it is nearly time to start planting spring bulbs. That is such an effort of forethought. But what a gift of beauty and grace in the spring. Let's see if we have more success with that project this year than in those past.

"With that I leave this lamentable and amazing episode." (Winston Churchill)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the poetic metaphor of the fall de-leafing being a striptease!

    ...I may have to "borrow" it - it's giving me poetic insiration at this very moment....
